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New Additions to the TMNT Collection II

Over the last few months I have succumbed to the addiction that is on-line shopping. Seriously, once you start you find so many other cool things and you just can't stop...that is until your wife reminds you that you have children and bills to pay. This realization led me to be pretty selective of what I've purchased recently and as a huge fan of the Green Machine there are a ton of options. So without wasting anymore time, here is part 2 of the newest additions to my TMNT collection!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Metal Sign
My wife and kids saw this neat little metal sign on clearance at Hobby Lobby and picked it up for me to hang in my basement. I have a wall downstairs that is pretty much dedicated to my TMNT collection and now this sign hangs on that wall right next to my Casey Jones hockey mask from Halloween. A few years ago my son and I went Trick or Treating as Rapahel and Casey Jones. Wonder what we'll be this year?
TMNT: Coming Out of Their Shells Tour Guide
Everybody has been going crazy for the new NECA Musical Mutagen Tour TMNT figures that were relaeased a few weeks back, but for my money I want some of the original Coming Out of Their Shells Tour merch! Recently I've aquired the tour cassette tape, a promotional pin-back button and this Tour Guide that features some bios about the Turtles and what instrument they play, a sweet poster, a cut-out Turtle mask and an exclusive 2 page comic. I think I'll have to scan the contents and share them with you all sometime soon!
Mega Construx: Mikey's Kitchen Chaos Set
Ever since the Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon introduced the character Ice Cream Kitty I had been hoping they would release a toy of her to include in my collection. I know a few years back there was a plan to release a figure, but those dreams were dashed when the show was cancelled. The closest thing we got was the minifig that was included in this Mega Construx Kitched Chaos set. I paid a little over $10 to get this set mint in box and when it came home, myself and my son busted open the box and built this together. Honestly, the Ice Cream Kitty that is included is almost the perfect size to include with my TMNT action figures. Isn't she cute?
Thanks for bearing with me and checking out some of the latest additions to my TMNT collection. I gotta say, I'm running out of room and may have to expand my basement collection area because I'm sure there is more to come for this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fanatic! COWABUNGA!!!!

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