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So when's the revolution?

Via Terry


 The horrifying headlines were coming so thick and fast this month it was hard to keep up:

    “Feds want your mental health records”

    “Judge says ordinary tools are actually weapons”

    “Hundred of thousands of New Yorkers refuse to register so-called ‘assault weapons’ ahead of April 15 deadline”

    “Treasury now seizing tax refunds from adult children to pay parents’ decades-old Social Security debts”

    “EPA SWAT team raids gold miners in Alaska”

    “Harry Reid defends ‘domestic terrorists’ comments”

    “FBI visiting gun shops to investigate ‘people talking about big government’”

    “Armed Fed raid prompted by safety rules”

    CNN op-ed claims right-wingers ‘more deadly than jihadists’”

    “Legal fight against no-knock SWAT warrants explodes into open”

Believe me, I could add hundreds more. Similar governmental tactics seem to be used in most of these situations: verbal taunting; turning law-abiding citizens into criminals at the stroke of a pen; a strong show of force, often hugely out of proportion to the nature of the alleged crime; an air of violent intimidation; and a suspension of constitutional rights, including First, Second, Third and Fourth (not to mention 10th).

I think it should be fairly clear by now that the purpose of the many government agencies is not to protect us, but instead to intimidate citizens with their Gestapo brownshirt tactics. At some point, something’s going to snap; and when it does, it will be ugly.

More @ WND

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