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Where are Words for Wednesday?

The vote is in.  Words for Wednesday will continue, but has again become a moveable feast.

This month Susan Kane at thecomtemplativecat is hosting them, and the prompts can be found at her blog.

In December River at Drifting through Life will provide the prompts on her blog.

Jacqueline at Randomosity will be testing us in January from her blog.

In February I will be providing the prompts.

And in March Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulton will provide the prompts and I will publish them here.

Riot Kitty has said she will contribute, but I have been very remiss and not emailed her yet.  I will.  And will provide updates when I can.

If anyone else would like to provide the prompts you would be more than welcome. 

I hope that you will visit these generous souls and continue to support this fun meme.  International time zones also mean that the meme can be published on Tuesday or Thursday in your time - but keep checking...

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