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The Lucky Texan: Robert N. Bradbury

The best thing that can be said about Robert N. Bradbury's The Lucky Texan is that it isn't terrible. It's not very good, but at least the cinematography is watchable and the plot doesn't screech to a halt every few minutes. Of course, it still isn't very good. There are a lot of parts that are downright laughable: a duo of assay officials begin to vocally plot ripping off John Wayne and stealing his gold claim seconds after he leaves the frame like they were on a theatrical stage; the townsfolk immediately suspect Wayne of killing his partner even though a) he had previously cleared his partner's name after some local thugs tried to frame him for crimes, and b) he was literally in the middle of a crowd when the murder took place; for some reason Bradbury earnestly thinks putting George "Gabby" Hayes in a dress is hilarious. But, again, at the very least I could see what was going on.


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