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Georgia Carnival: Edition 51

Welcome to the Georgia Blog Carnival!

The bloggers featured here are all part of the extensive list of bloggers from Georgia I have listed in the right sidebar of this site. The blog roll has not now been completely rebuilt from scratch and is no longer hosted by blogrolling.com, so I can add and delete as I need to…finally. In case you missed them the latest blogs added to the blog roll are here.

Any Georgia blogger can submit a post to the carnival, or a blogger from another state or country can submit a post for inclusion if the topic is Georgia related.

Our monthly format will continue for at least a couple of more months as I’m scheduled for surgery on the 26th. I appreciate each and every person who continues to submit to the carnival even though I haven’t been doing the best with it that I could. Things will improve by February.

The next carnival will be published here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, February 13th. Submissions will be due Thursday, February 12th.

If you maintain a Georgia blog and would like to host the carnival at your site e-mail me to set up a date. It’s a great way to put your own personal spin on the carnival.

The last edition of carnival can be found here, and the carnival archives are found here.

Since January seems to be the month we all make lists….lists of things to do, goals to achieve, resolutions to keep, etc. I thought it appropriate to present the carnival in list format.

Now on to the carnival:

Angela M. Otwell presents Voices in My Head posted at amo.

Steve Williams presents Ideas For More Road Money posted at The Georgia Road Geek.

Kevin Fleming presents Watch NCIS Episodes Online and Watch Lost Season 5 Episodes Online posted at Satellite TV Guru.

at Got Bible? I’ve posted Living the Christian Life and over at History Is Elementary I’ve posted The Great State of Franklin.

William Cotter presents Pragmatist In A Pear Tree and Bunker Mentality posted at Paw Paw Bill.

Felicia Haywood presents where abandoned projects go to die posted at Fluffy Flowers.

Well, that’s it for this edition of the Georgia Carnival.

Please support these fine Georgia bloggers by letting them know you have visited them with a comment. Your continued support with your links and shout-outs at your site helps to alert others to what we Georgia bloggers have to offer.

The next edition of the carnival will be found here at Georgia on My Mind on Friday, February 13th. Posts can be sent to gamind@mail.com or use the handy submission form. Submissions are due by Thursday, February 12th by 6:00 p.m.

Thanks for your continued support of the Georgia Carnival!

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