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Drake modelling update

Here's some new conversions for Patrol Drake. Most of them have headgear appropriate to the desert terrain and native culture of Jeriko Reach, inspired by British special forces in the African campaigns of WW2.

Most of them have IR goggles, which are taken from the plastic Space Marine Scouts kit. As well as looking cool, these serve a use in a tactic I've been trying out, to varying degrees of success, involving the grenadier laying down a smoke screen, which the marksmen with IR gear can fire through. I've added a touch of green to the desert camo, which is appropriate to the terrain, and I was inspired by a picture of a new hybrid DPM the British Army is trialing which adds small green patches to the desert DPM.

A Sniper, made from the Catachan Sniper model, with extra bits and peices such as Cadian shoulder pads, ammo pouches etc.
A signaller, made from various Cadian and Catachan bits, plus a Tallarn head. I gave him the carbine lasgun after reading an Osprey book on the Indonesian Confrontation, which showed a signaller carrying a sten while the rest of his section carried SLRs or M-16s.

A new version of Corporal Drake, equipped with the power fist the patrol picked up from the quartermaster's stores some time back.
A new version of Specialist Falk, who was previously equipped with a missile launcher. He never once hit anything with his old weapon, so was given something with a higher rate of fire. The conversion took three goes to get right, and the final version shown here uses the legs from a metal Catachan officer, arms and weapons from a Space Marine Scout, head from a Tallarn and various other bits. Of course, he was wounded and subsequently died after the first game I used him in! Never mind, he'll make an appearance as a new character.

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